Ultimately making you pain-free

THE HEADACHE CLINIC can help accurately diagnoses the cause of your facial pain and employs the latest technology and techniques to provide effective treatment.

Our comprehensive evaluations aim to uncover the source of your facial pain, allowing us to craft a customized treatment plan just for you. We offer cutting-edge treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, specifically designed for your individual needs, condition, and level of pain.

Facial pain can stem from various sources, such as:

  • Infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Headache
  • Oral infections
  • Ulcers
  • Mouth abscesses
  • Skin abscesses
  • Facial injuries
  • Toothaches

Classic Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia presents as paroxysms of severe unilateral facial pain.

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

A disorder characterised by unilateral brief electric shock-like stabbing pain in the ear, base of the tongue, tonsillar fossa and/or beneath the angle of the jaw. It is commonly provoked by swallowing, talking or coughing.

Occipital neuralgia

Unilateral or bilateral severe, stabbing pain, or scalp pain in the back of the head.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

An intraoral burning sensation, recurring daily for more than 2 hours per day over more than three months without clinically evident causative lesions.

Painful Optic Neuritis

Pain behind one or both eyes caused by demyelination of the optic nerve(s) and accompanied by impairment of central vision.

Get in Touch

Learn more about our services by connecting with us today.